ATE Insurance for:-
- Clinical
- Medical
- Dental
Negligence Litigation
Guardian Legal Services are leading independent specialists in ATE Insurance for Clinical, Medical and Dental Negligence cases.
You benefit from our access to in-house medical expertise and arrangements with specialist underwriters from all the leading ATE insurers.
Clinical Negligence – What Types of Claim Can Be Covered With ATE Insurance?
Typical cases where ATE cover can be provided include:-
- Septicaemia, MRSA and C Difficile and other Hospital acquired infections
- Complaints relating the question of lack of ‘Informed Consent’ by the patient
- Misdiagnosis resulting in injury, pain or loss to the patient
- Incorrect or inappropriate proscribing of drugs or medication
- Cosmetic surgery

What Type of ATE Medical Claims Are Covered?
- Incorrect or inappropriate surgical intervention
- Complaints relating to negligent care by a Nursing Home or Hospital
- Late diagnosis resulting in exacerbation of a condition, and/or pain or loss to a patient
- Orthopaedic issues, including hip and joint replacements
- Amputation cases, including where amputation may have been prevented if a pre-existing condition had been identified e.g. diabetes
- Cerebral Palsy
- Neurological Injuries including problems resulting from a problematic births/delivery
- Ophthalmic Cases
- Birth Injuries claims
- Dependency and/or bereavement claims in the event of suicide by a patient in the care of a Psychiatric Unit
Applying Clearfix
Ad Hoc or Delegated Authority schemes
- Quotations available on an Ad-Hoc basis for individual one off cases
- Membership of Delegated Authority schemes for firms with a dedicated Clinical Negligence department.
- You don’t need to be a member of AvMA or the Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Panel.
- We can provide Part 36 cover only at a substantially reduced premium to scheme members.

The Importance of an Early Application For Medical Negligence ATE
Important: make an early application for Clinical Negligence ATE Insurance.
The sooner you apply for insurance cover the better because:
- It’s always more difficult to obtain an offer of cover in a post-issue situation
- If the application is submitted less than three months before trial, it may be impossible to obtain an offer of cover.
- Premiums are often rebated or staged to encourage early settlement.
Why Guardian Legal Services?
- Guardian Legal Services make no charges for case reviews and are happy to advise and assist you with the preparation of your insurance application.
- All policies offered by our panel of insurers are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
- Only minimal reporting is required by the insurers on our panel
- Your client pays no up-front costs. Usually, all premiums will be
- Deferred until end of case
- Only payable upon a successful outcome
- Self-insured
- Highly competitive
- Discounted to encourage early settlement
- If your case is lost or abandoned, the premium is waived, subject to policy conditions
- If unsuccessful, and even sometimes when successful, the claimant can face substantial costs, arising from expensive expert reports and failure to beat a Part 36 offer. An ATE insurance policy will protect against these financial risks.
Next steps
Contact us to have a preliminary discussion about your case or to request membership of a Delegated Authority scheme on 0207 118 1884 or email info@guardianlegal.co.uk
Alternatively, download a proposal form today in conjunction with our guidance notes.